Bricksimple brings cutting edge wearable application development tools and techniques to bear for a wide variety of platforms. Whether clients require expertise in the web, mobile, Virtal Reality, or AR application arenas, Brick Simple stands ready to create custom apps that fit every need. On the mobile front, BrickSimple developers have provided customers with over five years of Andriod platform application design experience for tablets, smartphones, Google Glass, e-readers and Google Tv. For web based clients, BrickSimple fields individualized sites that are optimized for mobile devices as well as web applications. What’s more, BrickSimple has a history of building quality iOS apps that have been highlighted on Apple’s App Store. The development team at Brick Simple is devoted to serving clients of all sizes. With customers that range from the newest startups to established Fortune 500 firms, BrickSimple fields close to a decade of diverse experience in the wearable and mobile application niches.