Finien - #8 of Top Naming Firms

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About Screenshot from the Award Winning Top Naming Firm Finien

Finien Careers Page

Careers Screenshot from the Award Winning Top Naming Company Finien


Finien is a Los Angeles-based agency that specializes work in the field of naming and branding for clients. Finien resides specifically in Long Beach and believe in taking a client's product or service and improving upon it so that it can eventually gain the attention and traction that will make it stand out in a crowded market. The agency was founded by Fabian Geyrhalter and knows that incorporating strategy, marketing and proper campaigning is the best way to ensure success and learning new ways of doing this as well. Branding involves more than just simply making a logo look good but also how to make it marketable. This means knowing who the target audience is and giving them everything that they want. Finien has worked with clients from all backgrounds, such as companies like Acura, Divison 4, Konami, MTV, Sony, Warner Bros and even the city of Los Angeles itself.