Brad Sawicki is an innovative computer designer and technician who provides one-on-one solutions for his company's clientele. He has spent more than twenty years surfing the internet and learning about computers, with multiple college courses and months of accumulated practice time. His combination of web development and web design skills can help businesses to establish themselves as competitors in the market. In the past, he was part of a web firm that grew from 3 employees to a whopping 40. Brad Sawicki started his own creative agency, the Brad Sawicki Web Design Firm, by partnering with several of his friends. The company's goal is to use the internet to improve the world. Brad Sawicki prioritizes aesthetically pleasing design that helps companies achieve their goals. He also likes to use clean, easily-edited coding. Businesses looking to develop a website, add to their website content, or create a new mobile application can find a solution with this firm.