422 Studios is a web development company that's based in Dallas, Texas. The full-service agency employs modern technologies including responsive design, Codeigniter and PHP, for example. These technologies enable them to produced noteworthy customized web applications. Daniel White is both the lead developer and founder of 422 Studios. Other major employees on the 422 Studios staff are printing specialist Jeff White, content aficionado Robyn Brown, growth and marketing expert Vangeli Gelekas and brand design and logo guru Jeff Gerred. These hard-working professionals all are highly knowledgeable in digital marketing specialties such as web design, graphic design, printing, search engine optimization (SEO), content writing, startup assistance and eCommerce development. 422 Studios has assisted many clients in achieving their customized photography, graphic design, print and web development and design requirements. They've worked with J. Houser Construction, Pitched In, Dallas Honda, Poser Kids Yoga, Next Level Valet, Diversified PC, Bass Manager and Luxury Toy World.