A trusted resource for healthcare technology since 1992, TeleVox offers an innovative platform that sends and receives more than 1.5 million healthcare communications every day. TeleVox currently serves 140,000 health care providers, including leading hospitals and health care plans. Committed to creating a healthier world, TeleVox technology helps providers stay in contact with patients even outside of the healthcare facility. These important between-visit communications are vital in supporting patients and helping them become and stay healthy. TeleVox is dedicated to using technology to increase the health and well-being of patients. The company is active in the research community, funding projects that will reveal how technology can improve health and encourage positive behaviors. TeleVox is continually improving its platform’s capacity and flexibility. The platform is completely secure, as TeleVox is committed to the safety of patient data. From intuitive messaging to multi-faceted communication options, TeleVox’s technology provides an excellent foundation for patient engagement needs.