It is essential for websites to have good designs because ones that have bad designs usually don�t retain their visitors very long. Forix is a web design company that really delivers what it promises to its customers. It provides web owners organized designs that optimize their websites. Visitors will not only remember websites designed with Forix, but they will come back for more. Websites that are for e-commerce businesses especially need to have a good design since they are supposed to help the business sell goods or services. Forix helps web owners ensure that their e-commerce businesses� websites are not only aesthetically pleasing but that they are functional as well. Forix is proud to boast that it has helped launch 59 apps, 766 sites and has a team size of 61 skilled professionals. Additionally, it has 153 partnerships and 15 awards under its belt. Clients who choose Forix to be their web designers benefit from the knowledge and experience of Forix�s excellent team as well as their managed services. Forix doesn�t simply provide its customers with website coding and then leave them on their own. They provide them with ongoing support to help them ensure that their websites stay at the best that they can be and that they are performing at their most optimum level.