e9digital is a website design firm that does so much more. Web design and back-end web development with all of the bells and whistles as well as branding, design, and internet marketing services are a few of the goodies that you can expect from e9digital. e9digital promises its clients "beautiful websites" with "compelling copy," so you can stop worrying about designing your website and copywriting and start focusing on how you're going to overtake the competition. Website design at e9digital can follow a few different templates according to your needs, your size, and the industry that you operate within. There's what e9digital terms "big website design for small business" as well as corporate website design, e-commerce website design, and website design centered around the needs of non-profit organizations. Business branding, copywriting, digital marketing, and design are where e9digital truly distinguish themselves from the competition. Case studies are available on e9digital.com.