Big Drop Inc, a digital design and development firm, is a prominent player in its field based in New York City. Founded in 2012, the company has an experienced staff of 50 who specialize in creating bespoke digital solutions for any size of business. The varied and experienced team at Big Drop Inc. offer up web development and design, e-commerce systems and frameworks, and content management systems, among other services. The clients they serve include those in all sectors and industries, from Fortune 500 brands to small businesses. Big Drop Inc. also provides a summary that includes testimonials from esteemed clients including Samsung, Saks Fifth Avenue, Top Rank, and others. Big Drop Inc has been consistently ranked as a top firm to provide design and development services for over a decade and has a clear focus on producing bespoke, intelligent, and visually stunning sites for all clients regardless of size. Its staff has the expertise to create effective and polished digital solutions for a range of organizations and industries, either standalone or integrated with existing systems and tools.