The Creative Momentum is a web design company based in Atlanta, the capital state of Georgia, USA. The company started in 1991 by Sir Tim Berners Lee, a scientist in a physics laboratory. Tim started the company from HTML services progressing to blogging, landing pages and currently the among the largest web designers worldwide. Web Design and Other Services The Creative Momentum organization dwells on wen design generating more traffic, leads, and marketing. The company uses a Responsive Web Design (RWD) approach to allow desktop devices to view web pages despite the size of the monitor or the web browser the user uses. The web design also provides similar services to many gadgets for the same website. Other than website design, The Creative Momentum firm offers services such as video explainers, SEO, mobile design and UI/UX. The agency develops their services in step by step process that guarantees to yield of high standard services to their clients. The company has received over twenty rewards from different institutions as a show of trust from customers.