Search engine optimized (SEO) web design produced by The Creative Momentum produces stellar results for its clients. The SEO experts at this Atlanta-based company deliver a high volume of non-paid traffic (views of content that a website did not pay to promote) to the websites it designs. The power of the Internet makes it mandatory for website designers to drive traffic to their sites. The SEO team at The Creative Momentum uses white-hat techniques, which are practices that will not get a website banned or have its rankings lowered by Goggle, Yahoo, or Bing. This is one way it achieves the highest rankings on search engine listings for its clients. The Creative Momentum SEO team researches keywords to choose the most effective ones for delivering the most traffic. It reviews the content on websites to guarantee that it is fresh and unique. Search engines penalize websites in their rankings for non-original content. The company also analyzes URLs (Web addresses) and links and uses metadata to drive traffic to the websites it designs. Though The Creative Momentum produces top SEO results, the bigger picture is that it�s a full-service company that offers design, marketing, and advertising services, all in-house.