Dotlogics is a web design firm that places primacy upon developing great websites for clients and subsequently marketing them in a way that generates interest and online visibility. Through strategic use of web design elements such as color and background, Dotlogics professionals work to cultivate a distinct, brand-specific image that clients can use to effectively market their goods and services. In recognizing that branding plays an integral role in creating a profound and positive first impression on the consumer, Dotlogics offers clients a plethora of branding services such as advertisements, brochures, banners, logo design, business cards, web design, and stationary. Additionally, Dotlogics professionals realize that online marketing also plays a central role in helping clients attain the brand recognition and conversion rates that they want. For this reason, its team of experts incorporate proven marketing strategies such as social media marketing, email marketing, viral marketing, search engine optimization, and affiliate marketing. As the conjunction between the world of web design and internet marketing, Dotlogics offers clients the type of holistic, high quality services that help them develop the positive and perpetually expanding online presence that entails professional success.