Swam is a marketing firm that is managed out of New York City, New York. Swarm is respected as one of the best web application development firms. Swam has also been recognized by the Silicon Valley Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum as one of the tope 30 innovators. The company is comprised of designers, engineers, and copywriters. Swam's services include support with augmented development, product development, user experience, brand strategy, brand design, virtual development, product design, Apple TV design, Apple TV development, mobile applications, and web applications. Swam's clientele includes many notable brands, including People, Golf Match, Legacy Connect, Pixable, CBS Sports, National Geographic, Legacy Connect, Blue Planet Environmental, Mrs. John L. Strong Fine Stationary, Emojiface, Vice Golf, Buy Up Index, Soledad O'Bien & Brad Raymond Foundation, Admittedly, and Alley NYC. Swam also maintains a blog that provides advice and information on a wide range of issues, including helpful information on marketing and banding.