Huemor Designs - #3 of Best Web Application Development Firms

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Huemor Designs

Huemor Designs is an IT company that holds a design studio in New York City. When it comes to launching and managing web applications, this firm relies heavily on an open source package that is called LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP). This model enables developers to create and update powerful IT solutions that are compatible with existing mobile and desktop technology. For example, Apache and Linux servers support websites that are optimized for Windows and macOS. MySQL can be used to manage databases that run on Microsoft technology. This web design agency is also familiar with the Microsoft ASP.NET technology and Macromedia Flash ActionScript. On the back end, web apps can be enhanced with the addition of AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) tags and commands. Before an app is made live, it has to be fully reviewed in beta mode. This company validates all of the source code in order to eliminate glitches.