Founded in the year 2000, Icreon is an award winning full service IT consulting and solutions company. Working with medium sized to Fortune 500 clients they help fix business problems by creating custom built web and mobile based solutions. Icreon offers a variety of services. For instance, they can assist with any web development from automation to ecommerce platforms. Or they can build award winning and profit making apps for iOS, Android or Windows systems. If new or improved software is needed, Icreon offers custom software development. Icreon also offers many solutions to help companies make better, more profitable changes. Content management, system overhauls, custom social networks and SaaS Development are some of the areas of expertise they can help businesses improve upon. Icreon has worked with well-known companies such as Fox, National Geographic, Pepsi and Nokia. To reach out to a specialist and get started go to the Icreon website.